Glossary of Platform Law and Policy Terms

Sharing Economy

Authors: Yasmin Curzi and Enguerrand Marique See also marketplace. Sharing economy is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as “an economic system in which assets or services are shared between private individuals, either for free or for a fee, typically by means of the internet”. It is also referred to as ‘collaborative’, ‘platform’, or ‘gig’ economy. In… Continue reading Sharing Economy

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Author: Yasmin Curzi This entry provides a brief literature review of ‘pornography’ through the lens of feminist legal theory. Chamallas (2012) segments the feminist movements in legal scholarship as (1) the generation of equality (1970s), which is often associated with liberal feminism (Chamallas, 2012, p. 19) because of the claims against formal inequality and toward… Continue reading Pornography

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Hate Speech

Author: Yasmin Curzi This entry aims to (I) present the definition of hate speech according to human rights law and the specialized literature; and (II) draw a distinction between hate speech and harm. Hate speech is not a new phenomenon, and neither are the attempts to address it. The International Covenant on Civil and Politics… Continue reading Hate Speech

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Harm (Online Harm)

Authors: Yasmin Curzi and Cynthia Khoo Harm is the result of words, actions (or even inactions) that cause physical, emotional, or psychological damage to someone, including violence, defamation, or economic loss. This extends to potentially non-tangible damage, including driving a person or group of people to fear for their physical, emotional, or psychological safety, experience anxiousness, limit their… Continue reading Harm (Online Harm)

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Authors: Yasmin Curzi and Terri Harel This entry presents: (I) a brief history of the concept of harassment; (II) some of its variations – e.g., harassment in the workplace, in the streets; and (III) the concept of online harassment or cyberharassment. (i) The initiative of feminist lawyers in the US, in the 1980s, for the… Continue reading Harassment

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Federated Services

Author: Yasmin Curzi Federation refers to a group of individuals, servers or applications that operate in a decentralized manner, following a common protocol. It typically involves the exchange of data and services between two or more cloud service providers, sometimes for security reasons (logging into a website through another service’s more secure protocols), but also… Continue reading Federated Services

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Disinformation (Gendered)

Author: Yasmin Curzi Disinformation is a worldwide phenomenon that mostly targets public persons such as politicians, journalists, actors and actresses, influencers, etc. Nevertheless, its impacts on its targets are felt differently by victims and spectators. As shown by a Heinrich Böll Stiftung policy brief on the subject (Judson, 2021), gender and sexuality directly impact how… Continue reading Disinformation (Gendered)

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